Information about our Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
Welcome to the press area of the 5-star superior Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe!
Are you interested in our resort and looking for press information, have questions, are interested in an interview or would you like to get to know the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe personally during a research trip? Sabine Dächert is the right contact person for you and will be happy to help you!
In the Impressions section we have put together some nice photos of the resort. If you would like these or other prints in print quality, please contact us at
Please note that all photos are protected by copyright and may only be used in connection with publications about the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe. Changes to the photographic material are only possible after consultation. Any commercial use requires written permission. Copyright: Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe

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Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen
November 2019
18 Punkte im Gault&Millau 2020 für Boris Rommel
Oktober 2019
Oktober 2019
2-Sternekoch Boris Rommel auf Platz 25 der «100 Best CHEFS Deutschlands
September 2019
2-Sternekoch Boris Rommel neu im Kreis der «Schlemmer Atlas Top50 Köche
August 2018
Stelldichein der Sterneköche bei Boris Rommels Küchenparty
Juli 2019
Zwei „World Luxury Spa Awards“ für das Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe*****S
Mai 2019
Deutschlands Kundenchampion2019: Platz 1 für das Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
November 2018
“Kochen ist Leben” – 2-Sternekoch Boris Rommel stellt sein erstes Kochbuch vor
Mai 2018
Hoteldirektor Jürgen Wegmann im Kreis der “Top50 Hoteliers 2018”
April 2018
Otober 2020
Boris Rommel cooks himself to the top.
May 2020
Golf with pleasure and wellness at the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
The Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe starts with a new regional gastronomy concept
The joy of reunion is great at the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
October 2019
2-star chef Boris Rommel ranked 25th of the “100 Best CHEFS Germany”
November 2018
July 2018
Top marks again in the new Relax Guide for the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
June 2018
Boris Rommel’s kitchen party – the summer highlight at the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
18 Punkte in Gault&Millau 2020 for Boris Rommel
March 2018
June 2018
10 Years SPA – Anniversary at the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
August 2017
Three „World Luxury Spa Awards“ for the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
July 2017
Top Award again for the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
December 2016
November 2016
Boris Rommel receives 16 Points in GAULT MILLAU 2017
June 2016
Nadine Zimmermann and Oliver Adler are “VEGA-Champions 2016”
High award again for the Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
March 2016
Boris Rommel – new chef at Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe
January 2016
GEO SAISON lists the Wald & Schlosshotel among the 100 best hotels in Europe
January 2014
Presentation of the European Health & Spa Award 2014
November 2011